The Ultimate Guide to Commerce Media

The definitive resource for commerce media, learn what it is, why it's trending, how the ecosystem works, and the benefits of being an early adopter.
Updated on September 26, 2023

For all of you who’ve been hearing and seeing “commerce media” more and more but aren’t sure what it’s all about—your wait for answers is over. The first, the only, the definitive guide to commerce media is here.

Commerce Media and the Future of Advertising: A deep dive into the new category reshaping digital advertising (we call it the Ultimate Guide to Commerce Media for short), is a comprehensive resource created to define and deepen your understanding of commerce media.

Built as a digital experience, you can scroll, skip, skim, or scour—and bookmark and share—with ease. Read on for a summary of what’s inside or get right to the good stuff here.

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The Ultimate Guide to Commerce Media at-a-glance:

The guide covers everything you need to know, starting with a definition and then explaining the trends behind its rise, the players in the ecosystem, the current state, and the benefits of being an early adopter. Here’s a peek at the table of contents:

  • What is commerce media?
    • What is commerce data?
    • Where’d the ‘e’ go?
    • How is it different?
  • Why is it trending?
  • The ecosystem
  • The current state
  • Why you need it now

What is commerce media?

Commerce media is advertising that connects shoppers with products and services throughout the buying journey across both physical and digital touchpoints, linking advertising investment directly to transactions.

To look at it another way, commerce media brings programmatic advertising and retail media together and widens the field to include non-retail businesses—all on the open internet where the control is in the hands of the marketers and the media owners.

Read the guide to learn the key points that make commerce media unique, and get a detailed explanation of commerce data, which is a key element of commerce media. You’ll also discover why it’s “commerce media” and not “ecommerce media” and understand all the ways that it’s different from retail media, performance marketing, and brand marketing.

Why is it trending?

The ecommerce explosion, growing privacy regulations, and increasing importance of first-party data strategies are just some of the factors fueling commerce media’s rise. The guide provides more details on these and walks through several other reasons—such as the fact that more shoppers are now starting their product search on retail and brand websites than on marketplaces or search engines.

The ecosystem

Who makes commerce media work? In short, we all do! Learn how marketers, media owners, and consumers each play a role and the goals, challenges, and needs of each.

The current state

As a nascent category, commerce media is still taking shape. Today, there is fragmentation with demand side platforms (DSPs), supply side platforms (SSPs), and retail media platforms all operating separately. But the commerce media space is quickly advancing to streamline and make it easier for marketers and media owners to work together efficiently. In the guide, you’ll find out how marketers are navigating commerce media today, what capabilities they look for in their commerce media partners, and how the space is evolving.

Why you need it now

One of the major benefits of commerce media is that it is a future-proof advertising strategy. Things like privacy, cookies, addressability, and accountability are keeping the digital ad industry up at night. More consumers are online than ever, but the ability to give them personalized experiences is getting harder. Commerce media is a solution for these big changes upending the industry, because it’s rooted in first-party data, which is widely regarded as a lynchpin of the future of personalized digital advertising. Discover more benefits, such as closed-loop measurement, and control and transparency, in the guide.

Ready to become a commerce media expert?

It’s time to dive into the details. For a full, 360-degree understanding of commerce media, read the Ultimate Guide to Commerce Media.

Ann Pyle

Ann revels in finding the simplest and clearest way to convey a thought. Her favorite word is 'moxie', which she tries to embody whenever possible. She's been developing content strategies and writing for the tech and B2B space for more than a decade. This, along with her SEO and advertising agency ...

Senior Manager Global Content
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