3 Steps for an Effective Customer Acquisition Strategy

Where do you begin finding, connecting with, and converting shoppers who have never purchased from you? Build an effective customer acquisition strategy with these ...
Updated on September 26, 2023

Let’s face it: as marketers our primary objective is to help drive sales. To accomplish this, we are tasked with two main objectives: increase sales from our existing client base and help drive sales from new customers we never engaged with before.

Engaging with your existing audience is somewhat easier than finding new customers, since we know where to find them and what messages we can use to reach them. But where do we even begin finding, connecting with, and converting shoppers who have never purchased from us? And, in some cases, have never even heard of us?

With the advancements of digital advertising, it’s now easier to reach more shoppers than ever before. However, the lack of accuracy of most acquisition campaigns make it difficult to reach the shoppers who are most likely to turn into customers. But we’re making progress on that front, too.

Here are three steps to building a customer acquisition strategy that will help you reach the right shoppers, and deliver results and new customer sales.

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1. Expand Your Horizons

To discover shoppers who have never previously purchased from or visited your website, you need to expand your reach beyond your existing customer base and their immediate network.

That usually means getting more data than just your own shopper data. Having access to a large, global, pool of online shopper data and truly premium publishers will help you uncover more relevant audiences and ultimately convert those shoppers to new customers.

2. Know Your Audience

The second step in driving a successful customer acquisition strategy is to ensure your ads only reach shoppers who are not your customers. Opening up to a large pool of online shoppers means that sometimes you end up targeting existing customer, or shoppers who are not currently in market for what you have to offer. And that’s normal – shoppers, on average, have three devices and they’ve used all of them at least once to make a purchase.

Separating new from existing customers across all devices and reaching only those shoppers who are most likely to convert for your products is imperative in ensuring the success of your acquisition efforts.

3. Personalization is King

We’ve spoken with a number of retailers, trying to understand their challenges with customer acquisition strategies. The majority mentioned that their biggest challenge is understanding what shoppers really want, and providing them with the right products so they convert.

This is a pretty common challenge. Personalizing offers and product recommendations is difficult if you’ve never actually interacted with the shopper before.

Adding a personalized touch with beautifully designed product recommendations for each individual shopper in your acquisition campaign is imperative to ensuring your ads don’t get ignored. As hard as this may sound, it is the key for unlocking new revenue streams.

How can Criteo Customer Acquisition help you win?

You can’t deliver personalized product recommendations without a deep understanding of your audience. And without the ability to tap into a truly global, massive, shopper data pool, chances are that the audience you’ll reach is going to be too narrow for you to effectively convert them.

To ensure we deliver a product that helps you achieve you marketing objectives for acquiring new customers, we had all these steps in mind when building our product.

Criteo Customer Acquisition is purposefully built to help you drive conversions from new customers using historical shopping and browsing events, product interests and a shopper’s likelihood to convert for your products.

It helps you uncover and target high-propensity prospects across a pool that covers 74% of the world’s online shoppers and uses machine -learning technology that understands each individual’s shopping behavior and full product interest to deliver the greatest personalization at scale. But most importantly, it distinguishes new from existing customers across devices, browsers and apps, using our global, shopper-focused identity graph.

To learn more about Criteo Customer Acquisition, talk to a Criteo representative today!

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