How Fashion Trendsetter, Network, Keeps their Brand Top of Mind

Turkish fashion empire Ay Marka keep its four fashion brands top of mind with data-driven, relevant ads. Learn more in our trio of videos.
Updated on September 30, 2020

How does Turkish fashion brand, Network (one of four brands within fashion leader, A&Y Marka), stay top of mind for consumers in Turkey and abroad in a highly competitive market? We were lucky enough to speak with several marketers from Network and A&Y Marka to learn how they activate data to bring as much value to their customers as possible. The resulting insights are shared in several videos below.

In the first video, Dorukhan Girgin, A&Y Marka’s manager of digital channels and Doruk Cenkci, the company’s former marketing manager, discuss how they activate data in order to speak directly to their customers. This is crucial since competition in the fashion industry is heated and Network needs to not only reach customers at the right time with the right offering— but they also need to anticipate what their customers need next.


Every second counts when it comes to e-commerce. That’s why Network partners with Criteo to drive lower-funnel conversions. And while they leverage dynamic ads to increase lower-funnel KPIs, they also believe that these tactics drive brand recognition as well. Overall, when customers have positive experiences with their brands, it increases the customer’s loyalty and contributes to Network’s overall success. For example, they closed out 2018 at a 40% growth rate compared to the previous period. And in Q1, 2019, they continued to grow at an approximate growth rate of 70%. Dorukhan Girgin describes this success in the video below.


Personalization is crucial for all marketers. And the ultimate goal of personalization is to provide the maximum value to consumers, in the most scalable way. Digital advertising has made one-to-one connections with consumers possible, while keeping operational efficiency for marketers. To find out how marketers are finding success with dynamic ads and more, visit our library of success stories.

Kelsey Wahl

Kelsey leads executive content, supporting Criteo's C-suite with speeches, presentations, blog posts, bylines and more. She holds a B.S. degree in Communication, Management, and Design from Ithaca College and when it comes to tech content, Kelsey follows Albert Einstein’s idea that “If you ...

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