Why One Retargeter is Better Than Two

Learn the 3 reasons why using multiple retargeters can hurt campaign results and negatively impact your ROI.
Updated on July 22, 2024

No matter what your business you’re in, you’re number one goal is the same: maximum ROI. When it comes to advertising, to make the most return on ad spend (ROAS), it’s important to consolidate — starting with your retargeting solution. Often the first questions marketers face when strategizing their retargeting campaigns include: Is more better? How much is enough? Do I need to run ads on Facebook and Google, using multiple providers like AdRoll, RTB House, and others at the same time?

The answer is easy: No! Here are three reasons why.

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  1. You won’t be bidding against yourself.

For instance, let’s say a shopper visits your website, fills their cart, and then leaves. Later they go to another site. If you’re running retargeting ads using both AdRoll and RTB House, both campaigns will bid on this visitor. In order to win, you’ll need to outbid yourself for the same visitor. Not good! Instead, choose a retargeting partner that knows how to efficiently mine the data on hand to maximize your ROI with a single campaign.

  1. You’ll get clearer attribution.

Attribution can be tough with one retargeting campaign. But with multiple campaigns, it’s a mess. Different retargeting vendors have unique attribution models. If you have multiple campaigns in play at once, often you’ll have to navigate different dashboards and unpack disparate summaries of where clicks came from. Talk about confusing, not to mention a fast trip to poor attribution results. Work with a retargeting partner who can manage your unique needs and clearly report on outcomes.

  1. You’ll avoid user fatigue.

We’ve all been ad-bombed with the same ad over and over. This happens when a retargeting vendor runs ads on numerous networks. Because the campaigns aren’t “talking to each other,” too many ads are served to the same people. Solution: Find a performance-driving digital partner that knows how to optimize a single campaign. This way, you’ll be exposing a high-quality audience to your ads as often as necessary, and no more.

The proof speaks for itself. When maiUtazás.hu used Criteo as its sole retargeter, the brand saw ROAS increase month by month. Within three months, Criteo drove 5x more sales than the other retargeter.

“Criteo [now] accounts for 20-25% of our online marketing investment, placing itself as our third most important marketing channel,” said the brand. “Apart from delivering great results, we value Criteo as a trusted partner that understands our business.” — maiUtazás.hu 

The golden rule? Find a retargeting vendor who understands how to provide quality instead of quantity to give you an efficient, customized campaign.

Learn about all the elements that make up a smart retargeting strategy

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